I’m in my second trimester, currently 25 weeks pregnant, and am starting my annual P90x winter workout with my husband. When it gets cold we are less motivated to leave the house, so working out in the living room ensures we get our workouts in.
This year I am changing it up and regressing all of the exercises for a healthy pregnancy workout.
*Disclaimer: I am assuming if you are attempting P90x during your pregnancy that you have consistently been exercising before you got pregnant and are very aware of your body. I’ll show you how I regressed the exercises, and what worked for me, but always listen to your body and know your limits. Don’t push yourself too hard, if you have any hesitations please talk to your doctor first.
Since this is a high intensity workout, I suggest to wear a heart rate monitor to keep track of your zones.
Let’s workout!
Jump Squat
I took out the jumping, and just did basic squats.
Run-Stance Squat
I didn’t change this one much, mainly went at my own pace. Tony can go a little crazy with how fast he squats, make sure you always feel balanced and in control of your body.
Airborne Heisman
This is a lateral leaping exercise. Start with feet together and jump sideways. I didn’t jump high, just did a controlled mini leap from side to side.
Swing Kick
Stand directly behind a chair and lift one leg after another, back and forth, over the chair. Be careful of maintaining good balance if you are pregnant throughout this exercise. Avoid trying to speed through the exercise, make sure you have something nearby you can grab if you do lose your balance.
Squat Reach Jump
This explosive move is performed by jumping straight up after a controlled squat. Similarly to the first exercise, I took out the explosive jump and instead squatted down to where I felt comfortable and returned to standing.
Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-Up
Similar to Run Squat but jumping and changing direction after every squat. I took out the jump to change directions and stepped from one side to the other instead.
Double Airborne Heisman
Just like the Airborne Heisman but with 2 lateral tire steps instead of 1. I modified by quickly stepping, and not jumping sideways.
Circle Run
Keep your head and shoulders as still as possible, while running around a rolled-up towel (or any other small item you won’t twist your ankle on). I made this pregnancy friendly by completely taking out the towel. I am extremely clumsy so a towel on the floor would be a bad idea. I still did the circle run, but at my own pace and not with anything for me to trip over on the floor.
Jump Knee Tuck
This high intensity exercise isn’t made for 30 week pregnant women no matter how fit you’ve stayed throughout your pregnancy. I skipped this exercise all together and simply ran in place while they did the jump knee tuck.
Mary Katherine Lunge
Starting in a forward lunge, instead of jumping straight up. I switch legs by stepping into place and ending in a lunge with the opposite foot forward and continuing.
Leapfrog Squat
With legs wide, drop into a low squat. Keeping head and shoulders calm, jump/ leap forward 2 times, then back 2 times. My squat wasn’t as low as Tony Horton’s and I took my time on how quickly I moved, but I still managed to do this exercise feeling good.
Twist Combo
I took down the intensity of constant jumping, to a slower and very controlled twist combo.
Rock Star Hop
Similar to Jump Knee Tuck, I skipped this exericse and ran in place in order to keep my heart rate up but not do any crazy high intense jumping.
Gap Jump
Leap/jump as far forward as you can, then turn around and do it again. My leaps were more like big steps. Make sure to land light on your feet and stay in control.
Squat Jack
I slowed down my normal jumping jacks speed and instead of dropping into a squat position and staying down in the squat, I jumped into a squat and then returned to a standing position and repeated that movement.
Military March
No modifications necessary for the military march, just watch your balance. Without bending your knees or elbows, march in place. Extend your arms as high as far behind you as possible. Legs should be raised as high as possible in front of you.
Run Squat 180 Jump Switch
In a Runner’s Squat stance with lead hand touching the floor, take out the jumping and do a quick step to turn 180 degrees, and land facing in the opposite direction.
Lateral Leapfrog Squat
The same as Leapfrog Squat but you move from side to side. Don’t go as deep into the squat and make your own pace.
Monster Truck Tire
Similar to Airborne Heismans but traveling in 4 big steps forward, then 4 back.
Hot Foot
I changed up the constant hopping from side to side, to a pretend jump rope where I skipped from foot to foot.
Pitch and Catch – Bonus Round
I didn’t make modificatios other than going at my own pace during the Pitch and Catch. This is where you simulate a baseball pitching motion. Step on the rubber, raise knee, drive forward, and throw your best fastball. Be sure to follow through, squat down, and catch the ball.
Jump Shot – Bonus Round
This one is also pretty straight forward, no pregnancy modifications needed. Catch left and shoot right-handed and switch to catch right and shoot left-handed.
Football Hero – Bonus Round
4 jukes forward (short and quick) and 6 high steps backward. Watch out for pregnant women in reverse! If you feel off balanced or risk running into anything I suggest you be careful.This is an easy one to loose your footing on when you are going backwards, so take small steps and slow your pace way down!
Go at your own pace and as always, listen to your body.